

Here at NegligentGardener.com, we write on a variety of gardening topics and nothing should be construed as any kind of professional recommendation and should only be considered our opinion or considered to be as accurate and factual as possible as a result of our research and/or experience.

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We may include sponsored content on NegligentGardener.com that are sponsored by businesses who are interested in sharing the stories of their business and how it relates to gardening topics. We post this information not as a guarantee of any kind but as additional reasons to consider a specific business’ product or service. You, as a user of the site, are solely responsible for doing your due diligence and to use our website as additional information to add to your research. You are under no obligation to patronize these businesses or to click on their links. Again, for this reason, NegligentGardener.com and/or its officers, employees, or anyone remotely partnered with and working with us, cannot be held liable or held responsible for any damages that result in the purchase of a product, service, or any other purchase, from a business that is external to NegligentGardener.com.

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